
Curriculum and Syllabus


Since the school is affiliated to CBSE, the teaching methodology has been adopted in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Board from Nursery to Class X.   Special care is taken to inculcate discipline and good study habits. Careful planning ensures that students become lifelong learners, when learning is fun and relevant. 

We have planned multisensory approaches that combine games, stories, music, drawing and colouring, rhymes, phonetics etc. for the pre-primary wing.  For primary wing, the curriculum and syllabus is designed to help students take one step forward and develop creative ideas and thought, Co-scholastic subjects include sports and physical education.  Moral values, music, dance, art and craft and basic computer knowledge is given.  

At Secondary level, for classes VI to class VIII, students are imparted a formal syllabus as prescribed by the Board.  Classroom teaching is complemented and supplemented with experiments, creativity, hard work, models and audio visual presentation, group activities, library and internet researches and projects.  Emphasis is given on academic as well as co-scholastic area such as life skill, moral values, performing skills like literary, creativity etc.